Friday, May 25, 2012

Comforting the baby held in arms when placed in bed

I learned something about comforting the baby this week that I had missed for the past forty years.  When baby is placed into its bed, the baby arms and legs often extend outwards perhaps as a primal reaction in the event of falling.  The calming part is that once baby is on the bed, gently moving baby's limbs toward torso and gently holding them there for a few seconds seems to have a wonderfully calming effect.  The reward is that baby is more at ease with the change from being in arms to being in bed.  This must be described somewhere else, but in a quick check of several internet sites, nothing was found on the subject.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Cats..Cats..Cats..(43 cats)

Miles and Ella, our 12yo pretty kitties have gone into retirement.  They join 41 other cats who together share a large home and large yard, and have pretty much free run of the place.  The place seems idyllic from a cat's eye viewpoint.  Due to the regal bearing of Miles and Ella, they have been dubbed the king and queen at their new home.  

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Communicating with an infant: challenge and joy

I am reacquainting with parent life after close to forty years since the last baby. One forgets some of the details about what babies are like after so many years since the previous. I marvel at the ongoing interactions with the current baby, although more than likely the interactions are not much different from those with the previous babies.

Communication has begun to develop over the past few weeks since her birth. Helping with the communication is baby's sweetness, patience, and good nature that is waiting to shine through as we try to figure out why baby is fussing, and that finally shows as the baby settles down to being content.

To decide what baby needs is of course not easy. We have a usual checklist that includes food, temperature adjustment, diaper change, burping, swaddling or cuddle, stuffy nose and more. We breathe a sigh of relief when baby is satisfied.

Now when baby looks at us, and smiles (especially if it is not gas), we feel especially good too.