Friday, December 11, 2009

Everything I wanted to say about global population (short version)

Now is the time for posting the full, albeit abridged, overview on changes in world population.  Previous posts here were snippets on the subject, foreshadowing the present content.
I presented the full version as a talk, and it was a lot of fun.  I handed out numbered questions on slips of paper before the talk, and then asked for the questions to be read by the person holding the paper.  I also used full-size cutouts of T3 and TX from Terminator 3 as stand-ins.  An imaginary string became a timeline. 

My wish is that you enjoy the contents as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

Here is the link:
Population: The Unmentioned Elephant in the Living Room

         "How long has THAT been there?

Credit to Debbie Tomassi for the cartoon: